campbell tricia Jun 12 to me, Olawalenoah03, Orliethey45, Peskidsamuel DATING FMT Hello, How are you doing and how is life treating you over there. My name is angelina sharese. I am new on that site and I am very happy to know that you are the first person to talk to me from the site. Well life is good and it is cool and fine here. How is life treating you over there?. Well to tell you about myself I originated from the USA in NORTH CAROLINA, currently living in Manchester in UK , I will be willing to relocate if i can find a right man of my dream which is the reason why i am here on a dating site. I will I am a sexy, loyal, devoted and most of all God fearing lady who's looking for the same man to spend the rest of my life with. Someone to share personal moments with, enjoy life together and to firmly hold the blessings of a lasting and undying happiness. I am born to please and not to tease which is why i believe that i always have to put God first in all i do. I am educated with high goals, morals, and integrity. I am looking for a serious relationship that can lead to marriage, no matter what the age, I have a belief that age is just a number but true feelings and affection is what really matters in a relationship. I'm looking for a man who is open minded to have correspondence with. I'm a strong, sexy, smart, independent lady with many goals and lots to acheive in life. I love to have fun with the man of my dreams and need a real man by my side to share in my dreams. I also need a man who will take good care of me as his loving lady. A man who knows how to love and how to treat a lady. I need a man with good conversation, intelligence, a man who is smart and one who knows how to treat a lady well and most of all a man who fears God and can be trusted. I want to explore the world and do new things when I come home or when i am with the man of my dreams. I love warm weather, tropical drinks and sandy-beaches. I like to party and have fun and most especially with my man. I don't want any more drama in my life like the one i have already witnessed. I like romantic evenings and bedroom talks [just between my man and me]. I'm a real lady looking for a real man, i love to be with my loved one all alone and be with him for the rest of my life. I love to be out with friends and be all alone sometimes and most of all to please the man i love. Here is a little more about me.... more about me after I attended University of Houston spent 5 years there and after that I begin to work with my father in his profession. And I got to know a lot from him about jewelries and also about how to get them raw that is those like gems and diamond and also how to transform them into expensive jewelries and sell them at a more expensive rate. Which is what I do now for a living after the death of my Dad who died few years after I lost my Mom. I now live all by myself and now I have to fern for myself that is why I have to get these jewelries raw gem stones in West Africa. Because I will be going to west africa this weekend and then take the jeweleries back to the states to transform them and also sell some of them there. I am looking for a serious relationship that can lead to marriage one day and i will be willing to relocate to a secure foundation maybe coming to you when i am through here and knowing that i have a loving man for the rest of my life, age is nothing to me, all that matters is love, care and open-mindedness. I think we will need to learn about each other more and more before we can do anything, i will love you to e-mail me tell me more about yourself. I hope i have been able to tell you a few about myself and i would tell you more after receiving your mail........ And i will like to ask u some questions below and i have answered mine too so i hope i get your answers soon: 1..what do you like in a lady ? What i like in a man is a man who is caring, loving, kind, a man who will be willing to do anything for me as i will be willing to do for him and most of all a man who is God fearing and a man who i can trust......... 2..are you a player or for real ? I am for real and i also need a man who is for real.....I am not here to play games... 3..are you single,married or divorced? I am single and never married and i have no kids ......... 4.. did you have kids? No i do not have kids but i would love to have kids with the one i love.......... 5..what do you do for a living[work]? Just as i have said in the mail, i buy, make and sell jeweleries....... 6..tell me about yourself ? I have said a lot about myself already..... 7..what do you do for fun and in your free time? Well i just love to chill and also to have fun with the man of my dream and also hang with friends and watch movies........ 8.. What is your bad and good experience in meeting a lady on the Internet? I dont have any experience here on the internet because i am new here....... do you treat your woman? Well i will treat my man with a lot of respect and care and i also promise to be a loving caring and submissive wife to him............ I have sent some pictures of myself here for you to see, and i would like to have some of yours too and i really look forward to reading about you to know if we really have a lot in common and to know if you are really the man i have been waiting for. Hope i hear from you soonest. Thanks. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// step 2 More about me Hello, How are you and how is work? Hope all is well with you?. Its my very great pleasure to read from you and it really made my day when i read your mail and i like the way you answered my questions and i now know that you are really for real and i hope things will work out well between us both. I like watching stormy weather, going to educational lectures, beaches, watching movies, musical concerts and sometime go for dinner and taste a little coffee.. I am ambitious, imaginative, kind, sensitive, self-confident, generous to a fault, and loyal. I'm not a Vegan, I love to cook. I am also interested in trading, technology, engineering, or working for myself. I believe I am intelligent and that i have the capacity to be a great friend and lover and open to possiblities with the right playmate because i grew up to love and to care for others. Yeah, i am for real, because i dont think i have time for playing games around, because its very bad and sad when someone hurts another persons good feelings and i dont think i am here to do that and i wont like that to happen to me also............ Well to my understanding, relationship can mean two things: 1) It can mean that we have a connection, which I think exists because we have gotten to know each other better. 2) Relationship also means to be romantically and sexually involved and I think we are not at that level. So, I think at this point, given the few amount of time we have e-mailed each other, we definetly have a friendship formed based on some external and internal similarities that are developing into a relationship that will bring us a little closer with good intentions, and the potential exists for the relationship to evolve into something more significant and i pray and hope that what i am thinking is right because i wont like to be taken for granted. I've been in several rapports where I was not fully appreciated and it hurts especially knowing that i have been dumped by a man before. In fact, many times I felt I was taken advantage of and that hurts. I'd like to meet someone who recognizes the little things I do for him and knows how to be appreciative. For instance, if I were to make breakfast in bed or draw a bath for my man, he could thank me by giving me a hug or a kiss.Or perhaps sending me a card for no particular occasion just to tell me 'thank you.' I'm very appreciative of what people do for me and i reward them in my own little ways. To me, it's the little things that mean a great deal to me. What does it really mean to be affectionate?. I love a man who can display his affections for me anytime and anywhere without having to be shy and even if he is shy he should be able to show his love for me anywhere though. And a person who knows how to be affectionate is a big plus. I love being affectionate. This may be an odd one, but I've learned that there are many man out there that are set in their ways. They have one way of doing things and are never open to suggestions or advices. Stubborn man are a major turn off for me and i hope and pray that you are not one of them. I like a man who is open to ideas, thoughts, and basically openminded. I think being receptive brings about sensitivity as well. A man who is ignorant, mean, and just plain insensitive is difficult to get along with and i dont need such a man in my life. I would say that I'm not afraid to display my emotions. I'd like someone who is sensitive and caring. If I'm sad, I'd like for him to be able to comfort me and cheer me up and most of all for him to be there for me. He doesn't has to do much, but just knowing that he's there for me is more than good enough. Have you ever had someone not stand up for you? I was deeply hurt when someone I once knew wouldn't not stand up for me, even after he told me he loved me.I would never allow someone to hurt my boyfriend or my husband, and I would always stand up for him and would like him to stand for me too no matter what. One thing I will always do for my man is to protect him and what i need from my man is for him to protect me too. Thanks and God bless, Thomas Katie. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// step 3 The man of my life Hey, there is so much I want to tell you, a lot has been running through my head lately. I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words so you will have to bare with me through this. I keep thinking about the future, about life, and what I want out of it. I keep thinking about us and what this relationship means to me. I keep thinking about these things and I realize they go hand in hand. I want you to know that this gradually growing relationship is my future; it's what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience this love forever and ever, and I really think I'm going to get to. I want to see you walk around our house while i watch you at how gorgeous you are. I want you to know that love is so important to me and i have been single for long. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and i get closer to you to keep warm. I want to see you laugh at me when I do stupid stuff and know i have a loving and caring man. I want to have a child with you and go through the experiences of parenthood with you. I want to see you and me chasing our little kid around the house, all three of us laughing our heads off and having fun. I want to hold you when you cry and smile with you when you smile. I want to fall asleep every night with me in your arms. I want to fall asleep on your chest listening to the beat of your heart and know it beats for me. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I want to see your early morning hair; I think it will be so cute. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the sun set, and I want all the people who pass us to envy the love that we obviously have for each other. I want to see you walk down that isle and I want to take your hand for the rest of my life. I want to spend all night, and maybe the next day, making love to you with an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to be thirty years old and still make out with you like a little schoolgirl. I want to cook a meal with you. I want to sit there talking to you for hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won't talk at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to bust out laughing when you try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat going long after the fire goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we've never been and experience them together. I want us to go skinny-dipping in a hotel pool and get caught and streak back to our hotel room waking everyone up because we're laughing so hard. I want to hold your hand and let you scream at me while you bring our child into this world. I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don't share a love like we do. I want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely soaked and retun inside to have fun. I want it to take your breath away every time I say, "I love you" because you know it's coming from the heart. I want us to be sitting there and watching our child take their first steps from my arms into yours. I want us to sit down with a box of strawberries, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a thing of mint chocolate ice cream; well, I'll let your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you for at least forever or more than forever. I couldn't really express in words what I'm feeling right now so I decided to share with you some of the images and thoughts that have been running through my head. I just want you to know that I had never found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until I met you. I really am crazy about you, everything about you. Kisses, Katie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- step4 The one i want to be with Hello my love, My love here are a few things I wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime: Be your best friend. Get caught with you in the rain. Dance with you in the rain. Stargaze on a clear night. watch the sunset together. Spend all day with you doing nothing. Moonlit walks on the beach. Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment. Go on a carriage ride through the park. Do a crossword together. Go to brunch. Have a disagreement (it could/will only make us stronger). Go for a twilight horseback ride. Watch a bad movie together.Spend the rest of my life with you.Have our picture taken together. Eat ice cream with you. Make love to you passionately, go to a museum together. Talk to each other using only body language. Give you space when you need it. Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all (I already do). Discuss current events in a heated debate. Have you see the error of your ways from aforementioned heated debate and make mad, torrid love to you, in the midst of all that passion. Carve our names into a tree/table. Go for a walk at dusk together. Be one with you. Send you a singing telegram. Spend all night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you. Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you...and tell you. Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes. Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic. Spend my life making you happy. Spend my life making our family happy. Feel your heartbeat. See our unborn child/children in your eyes. Go roller/ice skating together. Give you a back rub just because. Always being honest with each other, go hiking/camping together. Have our first fight, make up and feel a stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm - together. Marry you. Laugh at someone together. Share a plate of spaghetti. Give you a stuffed animal just because, go on a fun family vacation and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of. Treat you like my Lancelot. Go on a road trip across America. Count thunder together during a thunderstorm. Envelop you in my soul. Cook your favorite meal/meals. Know you better than you know yourself. Go to a renaissance fair. Plant a tree in our yard together. Look over at you during an office/military/family party and have you know without me saying a word - that I love you.Be able to say "I love you" in 89 different ways - in 89 different countries. Hold you when you're at your saddest and comfort you when you need it the most. Be the one you come to for that comfort and holding. Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss. Grow old with you. My Love how are you doing today? Hope you had a nice night? Did you dream of me last night?What was the dream you had? I want to meet you real soon to make our love happen.. I love you always, Your future wife to be, Katie ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Step 5 I love you Hello my love, How are you doing today? Hope you don't have a stressful day? I have faith and believe that all our dreams will come true. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of one person that I would share my dreams, happiness and energy with ... I could not see his face but he was there. I always felt like he was out there, I just needed to feel him. I visualized the bond we would have and the courage he would give me to endure life's obstacles. All these years I was with others, and feeling my way through life, learning lessons that later on would prepare me to become the person that I am now. I have felt alone and sad. Then one day my eyes opened and I became that little girl again ... realizing that he is here now. Here in my world was the man that I had dreamed of and I'd hoped would not miss our meeting in life ... that man is you. We shall be happy my love, i myself knew that you love and want me so much and i do the same too my love. I want to be with you to make our love happen real soon and i know that time is almost here my love all that matters is the level of love we have for each other and we shall have any other things that comes along with it my love i know that god really makes us for each other and we shall have a successful and a blessed life my love. I am imagining that great day you will be welcoming me at the airport with lots of hugs and kisses my love. Everyone will see that we are in love that a new lover is in town my love. I read a quote somewhere once that said, "It's not missing you that kills me, it knowing that I had you in my life that does." That is so absolutely true. But what's really bothering me is that I can't tell you how I feel. Baby, destiny has given us our sentence leaving you and me at the mercy of our luck. We're lovers; we're friends; we're two love birds, and we're soul mates. You and I, under the moonlight, together until the stars don't shine any more. I know things have been said but I hope deep down you know how much you truly mean to me. It's hard not having you around and things in my life have been stressful and I've taken my bad days out on you, but please know that you mean the world to me and I love you with every beat of my heart. I squeeze my bear at night wishing you were there to hold me and kiss me telling me goodnight and waking up the next morning saying good morning to my ears and i wake up for the lovely day for us. Please have faith in us that we can make it through anything, together forever and always. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1st billing.... Good day Dear, I just came back home from the clinic to receive first aid treatment, I was attacked by armed men on my way to make payments for the shipping of my gemstones this morning.. When they attacked, i was injured. The criminals took my bag mcontaining vital documents and my MasterCard. They also attacked the driver that was driving the car that I rented here for my daily transportation. I reported the case to the Police headquarters immediately, and I also called my bank to block the stolen credit card. I asked them to issue a new MasterCard and send it here for me, but they said it would take about 21 working days before it could be processed and sent down to Nigeria. Honey, I had to drop my passport and my wrist watch with the clinic security as a collateral that I will come back to pay them for my treatment before 48 hours. My dear, please help me! there is no one I can ask for quick assistance but you, You are the closest person to my heart and I know you will not watch me suffer this great pain, i wish you could see the the pains i am going through here.. Honey, the treatment & medical bill is 380 euros. I promise to give you back your money as soon as I am well and back home. Baby, I feel so lonely now and I need you by my side. Write me as soon as you get this message. Your dear, Katie P.S ... There is something which is very important that i wanted to tell you. Its all about me and my life and also the reasons why i am currently in West Africa Nigeria ..Can i trust you on this one?.Well,i cant wait to hear from you soonest because i am getting so fond of you. Hope i read from you soon. I love you always and forever Your future wife to be Kelly. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Step 6 I want to be with you Hello my love, How are you doing? Am sorry i did not write you yesterday, i have been very busy trying to get out of this place and be with you.Well i will like to explain myself clearly to you before we can move on because i believe that we should not hide anything from ourselves in order to get along well. I've was having problems with my Ex boyfriend who i lived with but right now due to our differences,I have left him after the death of my Parents in when i found out he was cheating on me. MY Dad worked with a mining company in Africa and including some parts of the Asian and US. I worked with my father as his personal auditor while i was still learning the business and we move around for his work wherever he needed to get raw gems,precious stones and diamond just as i have told you earlier and now that he is gone i have been doing that all by myself and formally with my boyfriend but now we are apart because i found out he was cheating me and selling out some of my gems and stones to other customers. My Ex boy friend, Johnson Mark, absconded with some of my valuables when we came back from a trip which was kept with me after a completion of a contract we had in Benin Republic. When my boy friend absconded with the Goods worth thousands of dollars, this brought the break up between me and him, because he thought he was so smart and i had no idea he was only out to get my money and run away and leave me all by myself. So i broke up with him and i have been alone ever since .Then when I perceived all this behavior that men have towards me and the bad acts of my former boyfriend, i decided to live alone and do everything in life alone but i have come to the terms that no matter what happens in life i would still need a man that will stand by me,a man who we will live together for the rest of my life and a man who will be the father of my kids and i too will be the mother of his kids. Recently i am in Africa Nigeria as i told you earlier to get some precious stones which i have already gotten here in Lagos in west Africa. I am also staying in an hotel where my dad logged when he was alive for a contract with a mining company here. I have gotten the stones and gems though they are expensive i have kept them in a safe place. Now, I'm in need of your help,I have gotten everything under control as to the shipment of the boxes and this is the largest purchase i have made because i have used all the money i have in getting these stones which i got for 50,000 USD and i know by the time i will sell them and transform some of them they will fetch about 90,000 USD but the problem i have now is that i cannot take these stones out of here without paying more than what i have to pay to the authorities here and that is why i am in need of your help here. When I get to come over to you and stay with you we will have time to sell the stones together and work together and you will also assist me selling the stones there when i am with you and we will have enough for ourselves as i am ready to spend the rest of my life with you, I don't want to be alone anymore, you know I'm a foreigner here and it is absolutely dangerous for me to stay here for too long , so that is why i need your gesture assistance. Here is how i want you to help me? I put this stones in the boxes and got it locked up with a security code known to me only, and since i cannot ship it by myself without being suspected of carrying them and being fined here by the authorities and to avoid interrogation,I deposited the boxes with some of my traveling luggage with a Security and Insurance Company which renders private diplomatic delivery service and i told them that the two boxes are my traveling luggage, which I want to send home because I'm returning home, then i paid them up their custody and security fee. That was how i have been shipping the stones home to my boyfriend whenever i came to get them because only the security company can ship the boxes out of here without any problems and they have done it for me before without any difficulty. So, I want the boxes sent to you by the security company so that the boxes will get to you before i start coming to you as i will like to relocate to a nice man who will always care for me and honest with me have our own children and live happy together and i know you are the man for me and i want to be the woman for you for the rest of our lives. The security company will send the boxes to your address while i catch up with you as soon as it is been delivered to you and i promise I will pay you up your Rent charge and a reasonable amount for compensation, I promise you that some of the valuables in the box i will give to you when i am there with you. Every arrangement for the delivery is perfect, I have obtained customs papers for private flight and there are seals on the box showing that it is a private delivery and has been checked properly, it is free from customs checks and it will be delivered at your door post by the diplomats of the security company and you need not worry because all arrangement will be taken care of by the security company,you do not need to burn out or stress yourself to receive it. And the boxes have security code lock known to me only, only me can open the boxes, except if I tell anyone the Code, so the Boxes cannot be opened on the Way of delivery to you and i am very sure that it will surely get to you and i have been assured by the security company that they will get to you without problems. Therefore,if you are willing to help me I want you to contact me as soon as possible,so that i can give you the security company contact information for you to contact them so that you can make the Clearance from the Security Company as the Recipient of my Boxes. And once the box gets to you, I will begin preparation to be there with you and then we will start a new life together, then we can open the box together or i will tell you the code to open it, so that you can arrange everything properly before my arrival. Like I said,I will pay for your rent and fulfill my promise of the benefits to you. It is not that i am doing this for you but it will be for us both and everything i have will be yours because we still have a life ahead of us together and i know we will be the best for it. I will appreciate your trust towards this and i am hoping to hear from you and be hoping to meet you in person real soon. Thanks. Love you. Your future wife, Kelly. Hello, How are you doing? I am very happy to hear back from you. Well babe i do really understand how you feel about all what i told you. I know it sounds weird but i want you to know that what i told you is true and it is 100% legal not illegal and i have been doing this before so you don't need to worry about anything. All will be taken care of by the security company and all you would have to do is just to collect the boxes when they get to you at your home. I want you to know that i am not here to play with your feelings all i am after is for our life to be better when we are together babe and i am assuring you that you won't get any problem from this and also i want you to know that i am a very honest,sincere and a God fearing woman i will never hurt a human being like me in my life let alone the one i want to spend the rest of my life with. You just know that i am for real and i am the one who i says i don't mean to hurt you and i don't mean to play any games with you and i do really trust you and that is why i want you to do this for me and all i need from you is just your honesty and trustworthiness. So babe all you need to do now is to contact the security company. I will appreciate your trust and help towards this.The boxes will only take 2-4days to be deliver to you. Below i have written the deposit details and the contact of the security company. You can write to the security company and instruct them that you want your fiancee's deposited boxes sent to you over there as i will also love to meet you in person soon and make things real with us. While contacting the company, just tell them that you want your fiancee's deposited travelling luggages sent to you because I only told them that the boxes are my travelling luggage, which I am sending to you. Then you ask them how much the clearance and the shipment fee would be and i will also want you to contact them with your name and your address where the boxes will be sent to. Deposit Details Deposit Number:LSC-PAL-0887PRVT. Sort/Clearance Code:LSC/827-12. Deposit Certificate #: LSC-87191. Reference code :PRVT-5281-01LSC. Consignment Description: 2 Traveling Boxes. Depositor:Miss Turner Beth Contact of Security Company Company: LEADWAY SECURITY COMPANY LIMITED Contact Person: Mr Paul Dempsey (Custodian Manager) Contact As soon as you contact the security company, kindly get in touch with me. I will as well send an acknowledgment email to the company to attestate to your request to have the boxes shipped to you. You can give them the delivery information while writing to them and please do keep in touch with me. Babe I want you to know that you will be the one to pay the shipment fee to the security company for them to ship the boxes to you over there and as soon as i get there i promise to pay you back any money you have spent on this when i have sold some of the stones and we are gonna use all remaining money to establish our own company or what ever you think is best for us and we will have our own family and live happy together for the rest of our life ok? My love do you know any fashion outlet there where we can get some of the stones sold there, please let me know. Hope i read from you soon. Thanks Your Future Wife To Be, Kelly . Hello My Love, Honey i got your mail and I have done the scanning of the certificate of deposit. I have attached to this email. So you will only have to include your own full name and address. So honey i wish all would be well in a little while. I believe in you and would always trust you. I see us sharing a brighter life together... When you recieve the boxes you please email me immedietly so i can begin preparation on how to come to you. Please i need to know what your plans are i will always be a submissive wife and your wish would forever be my command. My full name and address is ( MISS Kelly Morgan, MEDALLION HOTEL, LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA ). Honey i want you to know that i do really understand that the money required by the security company for the shipment of the boxes is a bit expensive but i want you to know that the company do charge depending on the country and since i am a foreigner they would want to gain on me. Honey i want you to try all your possible best in any way you can to get the money and send it to the security company soon so that they can ship my boxes to you and i will be coming over there to meet you. We dont have time to be wasted and we can't be talking on here all alone we need to make things happen fast so that i can be coming over there to meet you then we can make our dream come true because i am tired of been here all alone babe and i promise you that once i get there i am ready to pay you back all your money and we can use the remaining money to establish our own company have our own family and live happy together for the rest of our life. Kindly email me as soon as you make the payment for the shipment to the security company and let me have the payment details as well too it is very important, i have it too to make confirmations... I can't wait to meet you in person i can't wait to be in your arms and i hope to meet you soon. Love Always Your Future Wife To Be Katie . billing poilice report and hospital bill -------------------------------------------- Good day Dear, I just came back home from the clinic to receive first aid treatment, Honey i was attacked by armed gang on my way to make payments for the shipping of my goods.. When they attacked, i was injured. The criminals took my bag containing vital documents and my MasterCard. They also attacked the driver that was driving the car that I rented here for my daily transportation. I reported the case to the Police headquarters immediately and i have atached the police report document that was give to me to this message and I also called my bank to block the stolen credit card. I asked them to issue a new MasterCard and send it here for me, but they said it would take about 21 working days before it could be processed and sent down to Nigeria. Honey, I had to drop my passport and my wrist watch with the clinic security as a collateral that I will come back to pay them for my treatment before 48 hours. My dear, please help me! there is no one I can ask for quick assistance but you, You are the closest person to my heart and I know you will not watch me suffer this great pain, i wish you could see the the pains i am going through here.. Honey, the treatment & medical bill is 380EURO. I promise to give you back your money as soon as I get my credit card back. Baby, I feel so lonely now and I need you by my side. Write me as soon as you get this message. YOUR LOVE