Colorado coach Deion Sanders on Tuesday called on the NCAA or the Rose Bowl to reimburse his players

who were robbed of jewelry, cash and other items from their locker room during last week’s 28-16 loss at UCLA.
Rose Bowl, which is about 26 miles northeast of the UCLA campus. The stadium is owned by the city of Pasadena and managed by the Rose Bowl Operating Company, a nonprofit organization.
Sanders said most of his players didn’t have insurance for the items that were stolen. What exactly was taken from the Buffaloes’ locker room hasn’t been specified.
Bruins officials confirmed Monday that the athletic department had filed a report with the Pasadena Police Department regarding items that were reportedly stolen from the Buffaloes’ locker room.
“Our kids got robbed during the game last week. I think that’s a travesty,” Sanders told reporters during a news conference in Boulder, Colorado. “I would expect the NCAA to do something about that.
Bruins officials confirmed Monday that the athletic department had filed a report with the Pasadena Police Department regarding items that were reportedly stolen from the Buffaloes’ locker room.
“Our kids got robbed during the game last week. I think that’s a travesty,” Sanders told reporters during a news conference in Boulder, Colorado. “I would expect the NCAA to do something about that.