The 29-year-old Rahm announced Friday that he and his wife, Kelley, were expecting the couple’s third child, though he didn’t reveal the due date or sex of the baby. The Rahms already have two sons, Kepa, who will turn 3 years old on April 3, and Eneko, who is almost 20 months.
Rahm takes to social media to announce big news
“Officially moving to zone defense, baby Rahm #3 coming soon!” Rahm wrote on social media.
Officially moving to zone defense, baby Rahm #3 coming soon!
— Jon Rahm Rodriguez (@JonRahmOfficial) March 29, 2024
Rahm will defend his Masters title in two weeks at Augusta National, a week after he plays in LIV Golf’s event outside of Miami at Trump Doral.