Deion sander is happy for the Colorado transfer policy

Deion sander is happy for the Colorado transfer policy
New Colorado transfer policy: 87 football players, 64 non-athletes
Instead, this faster, more generous new transfer credit review process is only for athletes and some non-athletes who are residents of the state.
It was set up this way for a reason − priorities and limited resources. It also appears to narrowly avoid any trouble with NCAA rules that prohibit “extra benefits” for athletes. To comply with those rules, such a benefit at least must be generally available to a “particular segment” of the university’s student body on a basis unrelated to athletic ability. In this case, 87 football players were evaluated under this beneficial new process, compared to 64 non-athlete students from the state of Colorado
Overall, 102 athletes have been evaluated under this process since it began this year, including the 87 football players, according to the university. Of those 102, 51 have enrolled, including 41 of those football players, the university said.
By contrast, 64 non-athlete students were evaluated under the policy, 49 of whom enrolled and all of whom are Colorado residents. Those who didn’t enroll decided not to come to CU for whatever reason, the university said.
These 64 non-athlete students from Colorado are only those who were flagged for special consideration under the policy to determine whether certain class credits at their previous colleges would count for credit toward a degree at CU, said Jennifer Ziegenfus, CU Boulder’s assistant vice chancellor for admissions.
They represent a small portion of the 1,519 new undergraduate transfers at Colorado in the fall of 2023.