Colorado players have jewrys taken from storage space at UCLA

Colorado players have jewrys taken from storage space at UCLA

UCLA police is presently exploring the episode from the Rose Bowl on Saturday night

No less than five Colorado Bison football players had gems and different resources taken out of the storage space at the Rose Bowl on Saturday night. The heist happened at some point during UCLA’s 28-16 win over CU with criminals allegedly breaking into the office.
A video shot by Well Off Media shows the Buffs players outside the storage space after the game discussing the episode. The cheats snatched something like three jewel and gold chains worth a huge number of dollars. Colorado mentor Deion Sanders didn’t address the subject during his postgame public interview.

No word on how the episode happened over the span of the game. BuffsBeat connected with UCLA police who said they were examining the matter, however gave no further subtleties. It’s the most recent in a line of sad occurrences in the Pasadena region this year. How much wrongdoing has purportedly soar in the ‘Valley of Roses’ to disturbing levels.

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