To all the young girls out there, don’t let anyone ever dim your light because of how you look,”Simone Biles wrote as she…..full details below ⬇️⬇️

To all the young girls out there, don’t let anyone ever dim your light because of how you look,”Simone Biles wrote as she…..full details below ⬇️⬇️

In the bustling town of Crestwood, a young girl named Mia stood out with her vibrant personality and a dream as bright as her smile. Mia was a talented gymnast with an incredible gift for flipping and soaring through the air. Her routines were a spectacle of grace and power, earning her admiration from those who saw her perform. However, not everyone shared in the excitement.

At school, Mia often faced harsh comments and whispered judgments about her appearance. Some kids said she was too tall or too different from what they expected. Despite these hurtful remarks, Mia’s spirit remained unshaken, fueled by her passion for gymnastics and the support of her loving family.

One day, a new coach named Coach Lila joined the gymnastics team. She was a former champion who understood the struggles of standing out. She noticed Mia’s potential and took her under her wing. Coach Lila shared with Mia a piece of wisdom: “To all the young girls out there, don’t let anyone ever dim your light because of how you look.”

Encouraged by her new mentor, Mia practiced harder and continued to shine in her performances. She started to see that her uniqueness was not a flaw but a strength. With each routine, Mia’s confidence grew, and she began to inspire others with her courage and talent.

Eventually, Mia’s performances started earning her accolades, not just for her skill but for her unwavering spirit. The very classmates who once doubted her now cheered the loudest, admiring the strength it took to embrace herself fully.

Mia’s journey wasn’t just about gymnastics; it was a testament to the idea that true brilliance comes from embracing who you are, no matter what others might say. She became a beacon of light, proving that every girl’s light can shine brightly, unshaken by the shadows of doubt.

And so, Mia continued to leap and twirl, not just for the joy of gymnastics, but to remind every young girl that their light should never be dimmed by anyone’s opinion.


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