Fuck: why This motherf***er is top notch” – Rasheed Wallace on becoming the first player in the NBA to drive a Maybach.. Read down..πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

This motherf***er is top notch” – Rasheed Wallace on becoming the first player in the NBA to drive a Maybach Wallace shared a hilarious story on how he became the first NBA player with a Maybach. OWEN CRISAFULLI APR 7, 2024 Rasheed WallaceΒ isn’t the greatest player of all time, but he was quite a memorable…

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Explore the untold story of Larry Bird’s 1985 bar fight, a revealing tale of humanity and resilience…

In 1985, Larry Bird’s involvement in a bar fight during the Eastern Conference Finals tarnished his reputation, revealing his fallibility. Despite the controversy, Bird’s vulnerability emerged, highlighting his enjoyment of life’s pleasures. The altercation at Chelsea’s bar in Quincy Market involved Larry Bird and bartender-bouncer Michael Harlow.

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